Thursday, 2 April 2020


They paint canvases, walls, floors, and ceilings. They live and work in Saint-Étienne where they have their workshop. They make Street Art or urban art with which they manage to revitalize various public spaces and bring art closer to people. They define themselves as two stray dogs, who observe, look at everything around them and rescue through urban art “abandoned, gray or empty” urban spaces. They also defend the idea that public space belongs to everyone and that life is a permanent imbalance, Their first drawings were made by Saint-Étienne, whose walls have a special magic for them. "They're pretty, they have a story, they witness the past," the duo explained via email to The Huffington Post. «St. Étienne is an old city, there used to be many coal mines and it is easy to find abandoned buildings where we can work. ”They consider urban art to have a political meaning. That is, they create an accident on the street for people to react. "People work and travel and walk through the city that is in constant movement and suddenly they find this piece of art, with this photo or mural that sets their minds in motion

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